Gulfstream Runs an Annual Competition Where Both Employees and Clients Win

For the past several years, Gulfstream Legal has run an annual competition among our technical experts for two key metrics that are critical to our level of customer service. The competition builds camaraderie among our employees, and the results directly impact our clients, no matter who wins.

The first key metric we measure and award a champion is in the area of data processing. The employee who processes the most data that is error free, accurate and presented to the client the way they were expecting wins. This past year, our winner was Alex P., followed closely by Yearsaw W. For clients, this means they are getting the data they need and want faster and more accurately than ever from the Gulfstream team.

The second key metric with competition attached is analyst time, which is time requested by clients for support with data management and media management. For the employee’s time to count towards the competition, the client must agree that they received what they requested without errors. The 2022 winner was Joseph R., with Alex P. just one hour behind the winner. This means that clients are valuing the time they receive to support the success of their projects.

At Gulfstream Legal, we feel it is important to recognize our dedicated employees, and we’re happy to do so in a way that also impacts our clients. There is a reason why the average employee tenure at Gulfstream is more than 10 years. Employee recognition, training and a positive work environment lead to employee happiness and are important tools when we are recruiting new experts to join our team.

We also take pride in having a close connection with our clients. In addition to knowing the sales team and project managers, clients also build relationships with our technical experts like Alex, Tearsaw and Joseph. Next time you talk to them, be sure to offer your congratulations!